How Has God Been Good to You?
Join Pastor Don for today’s daily devotional and answer the question, “How Has Good Been Good to You?” If you have a story of how God has been good to you in this season or in any season throughout your life, we’d love to hear it.
A Message of Thanks from Guatemala
ODIM Guatemala sends their thanks to our church for sending $1000 to help double the amount of food ODIM is providing every two weeks to the 227 families of participants in their programs in San Juan and San Pablo la Laguna in the Western Highlands of Guatemala.
A Reflection on Ascension
Daily Devotional considering Ascension with Josh Taylor, Director of Worship and Music.
A New Thing
The words from Isaiah have been coming to me all week: "I am doing a new thing." What if God is using this time of quarantine and social distancing to show us that we indeed can do new things: in our church, in our community, and in our world.
Finding Our Next Steps
Join author Demi Prentiss and Pastor Jonathan Perry for a conversation about how understanding our vocation can help us find our next steps in these uncertain times.
Thoughts on Freedom
How many times have you heard, “I can do whatever I want, it’s a free country.” And you can, but should you? Paul had this discussion with the Romans, not about Covid-19, but about food. What can we learn from Paul’s thoughts on freedom?
Lessons from Being a Grandpa
Join Pastor Don for today’s Daily Devotional that includes a breath prayer and lessons of his 2-year-old grandson!
Radical Hope
Jesus taught the radical message of hope, love, and grace and it shook the culture of this time. That same hope, love, and grace are still available to you and to me.
Let Me Be Held
Let Me Be Held is a song that meets us in the midst of uncertainty and offers a loving embrace — when we cannot hold it all, still we are held.