See Me

Where are you? 

My God, where?


Black men killed in the streets:

their murder on full display

for the world to see

Acts of violence against

people you love

by those in power

who proclaim to know you


Where are you?

My God, where?


They told me you stood with the oppressed

They told me you flipped tables in anger

They told me you healed the outcast

They told me you welcomed the stranger

They told me you loved the poor

They told me you sought out the voiceless

So then, where are you?

Why don’t I see you?

Have you abandoned your children?


No, my beloved. 

I am there. 

Look closer.

Are you blinded

by your own


I was always there.


I tried to explain, but I only saw fear in their eyes.

I tried to run, but they chased me down.

I tried to speak, I cried,  “I can’t breath.”

I tried to tell them that they were killing me.

I tried, my child, but they did not see me.


They did not recognize

my blood being shed

in the name of fear

and my cries wafting

above the flames

that burned

their house of brutality

They did not hear

My shouts swelling

into the night


They did not see

their Christ

in my eyes


They just saw

 this skin

clinging to my bones

and their hearts



My God, you?

That was always you?


Yes, my child.

I am always in the heart of the oppressed

the cries of the unheard

the tears of the suffering

the breath leaving these

broken bodies

that is where I dwell.

Don’t you feel me here?

I thought you knew.


I did not see you, God.

I did not know

my blinded



my deafening


enabled them 

to hurt you.

Forgive me, Lord.

I have failed you.


Yes, my child,

You did not see, 

but you are no longer blind

so come

stand here with me now

join hands with my siblings in this work

lift up my children’s voices

and See me

on this ground that I stand

this raised fist

in the air


your hand

raised with mine

bringing justice

and peace.

Laura Byrd

Laura is the creator of Seeking Your Spirit. She is a worship leader, meditator, and contemplative theologian.

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