Sunday School
Gather with a community on Sunday mornings at 10 am! Groups are a place where people have the opportunity to pursue authentic community, find belonging, and grow in deeper life and faith. When you participate in a group, you will spend time connecting, learning, and growing together in love for God, neighbor, and yourself. All you have to do is show up, join in, be open, and be yourself.
Study Groups
Study Groups help us all get more comfortable with reading, studying, and discussing scriptures together. These groups are opportunities for our local community and neighbors to study and discuss the Bible and other literature and get acquainted with one another.
Small Groups
Small groups are an essential part of any vibrant church community, and they provide a place of care, concern, accountability, and fellowship that is sometimes harder to find in the larger body of the church. Whether reading, traveling, quilting, crafting or gathering at the Pub, we hope that you will find a group that feeds your soul.
United Women in Faith (UWF)
This is a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ, to develop a creative, supportive fellowship, and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the United Methodist Church. FUMC Denton offers five mission-focused UWF groups, which support many mission projects with time, money and encouragement.
Trippers Travel Group
We are a Travel Group, operating within First United Methodist Church of Denton, that travels locally, regionally and internationally.