Let Me Be Held

One of our favorite things about our church is the creativity that flows through every part. Here is a song written out of the Open Worship community at First United Methodist Church Denton called Let Me Be Held. Open will be sharing some of their original songs of worship over the next weeks in celebration and gratitude for the support of this church and community throughout its journey. Thank you — and thank you for all the creative ways you shine God's love into every life!

Let Me Be Held is a song that meets us in the midst of uncertainty and offers a loving embrace — when we cannot hold it all, still we are held.

Written by Jonathan Perry, Mary Grace, and Daniel Riddle. Arranged by Dave Huff, performed by the Open Band: Kelly Evans, Dave Huff, Brandon Morris, Krystal Stroud, and Clay Willis. Mixed by Drannon Bell. Recorded live from the places where we are.

The Motherly Love of God


What is the meaning of it all?