UMW News: A Baby Shower for our friend in Russia!

AUGUST 25, 2021 ISSUE NO. 30
Newsletter for the United Methodist Women of FUMC Denton

Thank you to all of our wonderful ladies who gave your time and talents this past Sunday at our first Faith in Action Party to benefit so many. In a short time, we enjoyed lunch and fellowship, cut out and started assembly on 80-100 "lovies" for preemies and their mothers at Methodist Dallas Medical Center, and wrote 50 cards of appreciation to healthcare workers and others. We were also able to have a Zoom baby shower for Vladislava Novikova and her new baby, Savely. What a wonderful way to strengthen our ties with our sister church in Russia! 

If you weren't able to attend this time, don't worry—we have big plans for more Faith in Action parties in the future with all kinds of tasks for our local and national mission partners and organizations in need. We look forward to seeing you next time! — Julie T. 


School Supplies & Sharing Love with our Healthcare Community & More!


Jim Engelbrecht Memorial Blood Drive—Thank You!