Jim Engelbrecht Memorial Blood Drive—Thank You!

Jim Engelbrecht City Council Photo.png

Last Sunday, August 22, there was be a Memorial Blood Drive honoring the life and legacy of Jim Engelbrecht. Jim gave his time and energy to many boards, commissions, and community projects in our beloved city of Denton. He was an active member of FUMC Denton serving as a blood drive coordinator, church van driver, and in several other missions.

At the Blood Drive on Sunday, we donated a total of 22 unit credits: 20 whole blood and 2 credits for one donor who gave platelets. “FUMC Denton did a fantastic job. This is definitely the best drive you all have had in a long time. A beautiful way to remember Jim Engelbrecht.” —Yolanda Alsides, Consultant with Carter Blood Care.

Pastor Don shared with us that “among the plethora of charitable works Jim volunteered for was the annual church blood drive. Jim even recruited his daughter, Jennifer to dress as a vampire for the annual promotion. Jim’s servant’s heart always guided his actions, 'showing up' whenever there was a need. He demonstrated both kindness and compassion with his unique touch of playful humor.”

In the words of a friend,” he will be missed by so many, but his legacy lives on in the lives of all that he touched.” Thank you for participating in the Jim Engelbrecht Memorial Blood Drive!


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Thank you from Cambodia!