Music Staff Update at FUMC Denton

Dear Church Family,

I am so grateful for the faithfulness of the many individuals who volunteer each week in our worship and music ministry and the faithful team of musicians with whom I have the honor of working to make worship at FUMC Denton happen week in and week out.

As we continue living into the hope and future God is already preparing for us, your Staff Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) and I write today to share news with you of transitions within the worship and music ministry.

Though some of these transitions may be difficult on a personal level, know that we are well positioned to continue offering the diverse and faithful worship experiences you have come to know, love, and expect at FUMC Denton.

Please reach out to me with any questions. Thanks for all you do to support the life and ministry of our church.

Dr. Joshua Taylor
Director of Worship & Music

Lizzy Williams has accepted the position of Mosaic Worship Leader. Lizzy is no stranger to our community, having served as a vocalist in the Mosaic band for the last several years, serving as a youth volunteer, singing in the chancel choir, and subbing in the handbell choir. Lizzy brings a commitment to our congregation, a strong multi-generational background as a Methodist musician, a dedication to our Mosaic community, and a heart for ministry.

Open Music Director Dr. David Huff, has accepted a new role as our Interim Associate Director of Music for Modern Worship. In this role, David will serve as the band leader for both the Mosaic and Open bands. Dr. Huff has a doctorate in Music Theory from UNT, is at home on multiple instruments, as he has demonstrated each week, and brings a passion for collaborative music-making between our unique worshipping communities. Dave brings not only a high level of musicianship but also a demonstrated commitment to the worship life of FUMC Denton.

Jett Cheek will exclusively focus on growing the Fine Arts Academy as its director and will step away from his role as the Children’s Choir Director. Jett has touched countless lives of children and families in his ten-plus years in this role, and I trust you will join the SPRC and me in celebrating his contributions to FUMC Denton and to the broader community. Jett’s love for the children and families of FUMC Denton is immeasurable, as he indicates in a letter you can read here. A reception to show our gratitude for Jett’s service to our children and their families will be held in Miller Center following the August 28th Sanctuary service.

To ensure a seamless transition and successful fall launch, SPRC appointed Diana Taylor to serve as the Interim Children’s Choir Director for the 2022–2023 School Year. In addition to being a faithful member of our chancel choir, Diana is a well-credentialed children’s music educator who serves as the choir director at Argyle Middle School. She will report to Dr. Teresa Starrett, Director of Children’s Ministries, and will work closely with her to shape our children’s choir program, curriculum, and offerings.

Finally, Rachel Um has resigned as our church organist. She will leave us in early August to return to her native Korea due to family circumstances. I encourage you to join your SPRC and me in wishing Rachel well over the next couple of weeks. I am very sad to be losing her as a colleague. Rachel has grown so much in her time and FUMC, and she expressed how her deep fondness for FUMC Denton made the decision to return to Korea a difficult one. A substitute organist who will join us upon Rachel’s departure, and the search for a permanent replacement is underway. A farewell reception for Rachel will be held in Miller Center following the July 31st Sanctuary service. Her final Sunday is August 7th.


Mosaic Community Update


A Reception for Laura Byrd