Mosaic Community Update

Dear Church Family,

“For I know the plans I have for you. Plans to prosper you… plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11)

We wanted to share some exciting news for you about our Mosaic Community and Flinn Hall. Beginning September 4, 2022, our 9:00 Mosaic Worship will be returning to Flinn Hall.

Last Spring, many of our Mosaic congregation participated in a series of Mosaic Focus Groups. We talked about what was working well in Mosaic, what they loved about this worship experience, as well as aspects of Mosaic they’d like to see improve. Feedback included everything from concern about the future musical leadership to growing the service’s volunteer base to making sure someone was assigned to bring over the doughnuts each Sunday morning!

Beyond the musical leadership, the largest issue raised was the many weekly challenges posed by worshipping in Monroe. Due to its multi-purpose nature and it not being a permanent worship space, Mosaic faces set-up challenges, hospitality inconsistencies, tech issues, and the feeling of being “that service cast off over there.” To this end, after discussing with staff and a team of Mosaic congregation members, the decision was made to move the location of the service.

We wanted to let you, the wider congregation, know of this change so that you can be in prayer for this transition and support this part of our church body. We believe that moving to Flinn Hall will make the Mosaic community stronger by providing better hospitality, consistent setup, enhanced tech, financial savings for the church, and a more intimate worship space that meets the need of our current community. Flinn Hall will receive updated signage to reflect its use as the “FUMC Modern Worship” venue. We will also be working to incorporate Mosaic touches into the space. Our dialogue about these changes is on-going and we are happy to answer questions as we continue to discern the future for worship at FUMC Denton. As people of faith, we give thanks and know that God is already in front of us preparing the way!

Josh, Don, and Jonathan

Dr. Joshua Taylor
Director of Worship & Music

Rev. Don Lee
Lead Pastor

Rev. Jonathan Perry
Executive Pastor


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