Hello from Pastors Scott & Raegan!

Hello Church Family!

It's hard to believe that in just a few short weeks our family will officially be with y’all (July 14 can’t get here soon enough!). We can't tell you how eager we are to get to know you as individuals and a community of faith; even in the glimpses we have had, we can tell FUMC Denton is a truly special place and people, and we look forward to this season of learning what makes you, “you!”

We've had the chance to come up a few times already and meet with the staff, some leaders in the church, and attend PRIDENTON to meet a few folks as well. It's been encouraging to see the staff and lay leadership of this congregation step up during this time of transition; your commitment and work inspires and energizes us!    

We are also grateful for the wonderful transition process with FUMC Denton’s leaders. Pastors Don and Jonathan continue to be encouraging and insightful as we “receive the baton” through conversations, information exchange, and storytelling. We have met weekly this June with the Transition Team—a team of key committee Chairs, led by Happy Carrico—to have strategic conversations so that we can hit the ground running on July 14. Thank you to Chuck Rives, Jeff Springer, Jerry and Rhonda Clark, Dalton Gregory, Tim Crouch, Tim McGuire, Carla Flowers, Doug Chadwick, Matt Gohlke, Julie Tipton, Sherry Inderhees, and Brian Mosher. And the FUMC Denton staff have received us with such warmth, thoughtfulness, and flexibility; we have seen them rise to meet a challenging season, and we can’t wait to work with such a talented team. These are all leaders who clearly love the ministries of this congregation, be sure to tell them “Thank you!” when you see them next.

As we said, this is a season of learning and listening for us. Once we arrive, we will have a series of Listening Sessions throughout the area to give us a chance to hear your perspectives of FUMC Denton’s identity and values, as well as your personal dreams for our ministries! We want everyone to have the opportunity to participate, so we will offer options at various times of day, in locations we hope are easily accessible, and digital options as well. Stay tuned for the official invite and thank you in advance for signing up.

Lastly, we have an ask. CLICK HERE TO SEND US A REPLY to the following prompt: “What I love about FUMC Denton is... [BLANK]!” This is your chance to brag about the church and help us see what is wonderful about this congregation in your own words. It can be a word, a phrase, or a short novel, whatever feels right to you!

We are praying for y’all! See you soon!
Scott and Raegan


Introducing Stephanie, New Director of CDO!