Purchase tamales to help support our very own Martha & Fortunato Segundo in their ODIM Ultimate Guatemala Challenge! Beginning January 6, 30 Dozen tamales will be available for sale for PRE-ORDER ONLY.
Meat choices are Pork or Chicken
Cost per dozen is $15
Pay for and pick-up your tamales at the church on Thursday, January 6 between 11 am — 1 pm (fresh) in Monroe Gym OR on Sunday, January 9 from 9:30—12:30 in Miller Center (frozen).
Delivery is available only within Denton
No sales that day, all pre-order
ODIM (Organization for Development of the Indigenous Maya) Guatemala, is a mission in which many of us are or have been involved, and, particularly the commitment of Martha and Fortunato Segundo to participate in the Ultimate Guatemala Challenge. The challenge is the week of January 22-29, 2022, and it involves participants in a hike through the jungle in Tikal, climbing the third highest volcano in Central America in Antigua, and paddle boarding on the beautiful Lake Atitlan. Martha and Fortunato are raising $6,000 to support ODIM Guatemala's Healthy Mommy and Me program in 2022.
You can learn more about the Segundo’s fundraiser and donate directly here.