Life’s Big Questions: Graduation Sunday

During our Sanctuary service, we have the privilege of witnessing our high school graduates take an active role in leading worship. As we commend their achievements, we're also reminded of the journey that lies ahead. Reflecting on 1 John 3:2, "Beloved, we are God’s children now; what we will be has not yet been revealed," we acknowledge that growth and development are ongoing processes, guided by our faith and commitment to following the path set before us. Today, Parker Betty, one of our graduates, will share insights into his spiritual journey and experiences within our FUMC Denton community.

In Mosaic & Open, Pastor Marianne delves into the topic of "What's up with heaven, hell, death, and dying?" alternatively, jokingly titled: “Where do you go when you graduate?” as we celebrate the achievements of more of our graduates.


Life’s Big Questions: Why Pray? What are the ways we can think about God?


Life’s Big Questions: Do you have to choose between truth and acceptance?