Nourish: Humility

This week, as we came together to celebrate Ash Wednesday, the fire, water, and ash were powerful reminders that God can create great things with what we perceive as mere dust. Yet, how do we allow for God to create and renew our soul, especially when destruction, chaos, and discrimination are wreaking havoc on our world? Jesus answers by showing us practices we can embody to co-create with the Spirit. In this new series, we will dig into seven practices that embody the Spirit's nature, nourishing our souls in a time of drought: humility, contentment, gratitude, forgiveness, love and joy. In beautiful poetic fashion, Paul reminds us in Philippians that to have the wisdom of Christ, we must begin with one of the hardest practices to master: humility. In fact, it's the word kenosis, which means self-emptying, that conveys the most powerful model of this humbled nature through Jesus’ path to the cross. In community, mutual humility becomes the norm when we share in this wisdom of Christ, a wisdom of servant leadership modeled time and time again by Christ in the gospel though a letting go that to us, may feel like losing.


Nourish: Contentment


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