Nourish: Contentment
"I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want..." — Philippians 4:11-12
Life has lots of ups and downs, good days and hard things, sunshine and snowstorms. Here in Texas, sometimes life has all those things in the same week! So, Paul's claim in Philippians to have the secret of contentment in all circumstances is something we are all seeking out. Where did Paul learn this? He learned this life-giving perspective from Jesus, who taught and lived that God was at work in all things for life and life abundant. We can trust the One who feeds the sparrows and makes the mountainsides beautiful with wildflowers, and the One who is with us always. This week in worship, we explore the practice of contentment and the practice of seeking God in all things, just like Jesus. Whatever your week is like or the weather of your life is like, you can find that same secret that Paul found — life in Christ in all seasons.