Gift Cards to Support Rivera Families

Recently, our Missions Committee demonstrated its commitment to supporting local education by donating $1,000 in gift cards to Rivera Elementary School, our church's partner school. At an early registration event held at Rivera, the gift cards were distributed to be used for student school supplies, ensuring that students have the materials they need to succeed in the upcoming school year.

In the photo, Assistant Principal Narda Harber and our FUMC Denton Ad Board Chair & Missions Committee member, Chuck Rives, are holding the $1,000 in gift cards, ready to make a difference in the lives of many young students. This donation is a testament to our church’s dedication to community service and the importance of providing essential resources for education. Below are pictures from Rivera showing some Rivera students with their backpacks filled with supplies purchased by our $1,000 donation.


Celebrating a Joyful Welcome!


Update from St. Luke's UMC in Russia