Update from St. Luke's UMC in Russia

Dear FUMC Denton Family,

We just received an update from St. Luke's UMC, formerly Saratov UMC.

They are currently repairing the boiler and the tiles around the boiler.  They will use proceeds from mission fairs, including the AGF for these repairs.  Here is a quote from Rev. Tatyana Fadeeva:

"Thank you for your work and service. We have started repairing the boiler room and need to repair the tiles around the building. We will really need financial resources. We are happy to cooperate with you and will be happy to make green and red socks."

These 'socks' (Christmas stockings) will be available for purchase at the Alternative Gifts Fair this year.

Attached are some pictures from Easter Sunday.  As you can see, the congregation is thriving with Rev. Tatyana Fadeeva. To God be the Glory!

Janet Fisher, Marfa Ministry


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