VBS 2023: Adventure Island!
On Sunday, three of our worshipping communities (Open, Mosaic and our Sanctuary service) gathered in the Sanctuary to witness our VBS children shining God’s love as they led us in worship together at VBS Sunday! Our children know the way to God’s heart, says Jesus. We just need to follow them! VBS was such a fun experience as kids from our community and our church explored stories from our scripture library. Together they learned how God's light shines in the lives of familiar biblical characters. And they’ve been inspired to shine love, trust, faith and hope in their own lives because, “No one lights their lantern and covers it, but instead puts it out there for others to see (Luke 8:16).” Thank you to everyone who made VBS possible this year! And thank you to all the kids and families who participated last week and on Sunday. It was so much fun! A special thank you to our incoming 6th graders who took the photos and put together the video this year!