Advent Adventure Brings Generations Together to Bless Others

Members of United Women in Faith and girls from our FUMC Denton Youth gathered in front of the Christmas Tree in Miller Center for a group photo.

On Monday, December 2, our United Women in Faith (UWF) and girls from our FUMC Denton Youth (grades 6-12) gathered for a memorable evening of connection, creativity, and community impact at the Advent Adventure event.

Held in Miller Center, the group shared a meal and explored the meaning of Advent, embracing the season of preparation and joy. Together, they crafted beautiful Advent wreaths to take home and to share with our homebound members, ensuring they feel the love and spirit of the season. They also made delicious candy pretzel sticks to bring a touch of sweetness to the holidays.

The wreaths and treats created during this special evening will be delivered to our homebound members in the coming weeks as a Christmas blessing. This act of love and care ensures that those who can't join us in person this holiday season are reminded of their importance in our church family.

Thank you to everyone who participated, and a special thanks to UWF for organizing this meaningful event. Together, we're shining God's love into every life this Advent season!


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