UMW News: Burning of the Candle

It was wonderful to see so many of you at our unit meeting on Sunday. We had a beautiful Burning of the Candle ceremony, in which we were able to express appreciation and honor for so many amazing women who inspire us, and hear about the wonderful relationships that have been formed through UMW. We met some new friends and were able to visit with existing friends as we discussed the parable of the persistent widow. If you were not able to join us, know that you were missed!

It is not too late to honor and/or remember friends and loved ones. See page 3 for the form to send in by October 1st so that your honorees can be included along with those celebrated on Sunday in the North Texas Conference UMW Annual Meeting.

Announcements & Reminders:

  • Encouragers circle is gathering this Sunday after worship for lunch and meeting in room 108. Our topic this month is understanding white privilege, led by Kaylee Buchanan.

  • It is almost casserole time! Our casserole fundraiser begins with pre-orders October 1-15th. We need your help with buying, advertising, cooking and distribution. See page 4 for details.

  • Faith in Action will return in December! Our first Faith in Action party was a success, and many ofyou expressed an interest in having these events quarterly, so we are planning another one forearly December. If you work with an organization in need of kits assembled or other craft-type work done, please let me know ( We will start a list of items needed in the next few weeks.

  • UMW Annual Meetings: Our North Central District Annual Meeting is on Zoom on October 2nd, and the North Texas Conference Annual Meeting is on October 23rd, also on Zoom. Both of these events feature excellent speakers, so please attend if you are able and get a chance to see women from all over the area!

  • Upcoming studies: In addition to our UMW Book Club, we have two studies coming up during the 10am Bible study hour. Karen Anderson-Lain will be leading a study on Christians and Racial Justice starting on October 10th, and then one of our Mission u studies, Bearing Witness in the Kin-dom, will be led by a variety of UMW members beginning on November 14th.

It's always a good time to join in on UMW events! We can't wait to see you at our next circle meeting ,study, or service opportunity. You are an important part of UMW! —Julie T.


Youth: Cleaning Kits for UMCOR


UMW News: The Importance of Rest & Fall Event