UMW News: The Importance of Rest & Fall Event

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I couldn't help but include this picture when I saw it online today. First, because how cute is that face? Second, because it expresses how so many of us are feeling right now. We had all hoped as the spring rolled around that our lives were going back to normal, but the Delta variant has definitely pushed "normal" back again. This round has seemed to hit harder for so many local families, not to mention for the health care workers who were already exhausted and are having to go through massive trauma again.

Part of dealing with trauma/anxiety/grief is acknowledging how we are feeling. I don't know if it's because I'm a teacher or if it's just a part of my personality, but I sometimes skip over that part of the process to move on to the what-can-I-learn-from-this phase. My internalized capitalism tries to convince me that a negative experience only has value in what I get out of it in personal growth, rather than recognizing the experience itself and acknowledging how we feel during that time matter all on their own.

These exhausting times lead us to ask about what Jesus did when he was worn out. My search led me to a new connection I hadn't realized before. John 4 says that Jesus was traveling from Judea to Galilee and was tired from his journey, so he sat down to rest. The place where he chose to rest was at a well. And as he's resting, it just so happens that a Samaritan woman comes to that well. One of the best examples of Jesus treating someone differently than expected by society happened because Jesus was tired, rested, and as a part of that, spent time in conversation with the woman. That story is such an important example of Jesus' ministry, but it is also something we can learn from. Recognizing we are tired is important. So is resting. So is spending time getting to know others.

So let's do thatโ€”this Sunday. We will be enjoying lunch, a chance to get to know each other, a moment to rest in devotion, and an opportunity to hear about inspiring women. Please join us and bring a friend with you. Details are in the newsletter and at See you there! โ€”Julie T.


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