Heaven — Song with Mosaic & Open Band

In our current Over the Rainbow series, we’re discovering how heaven isn’t necessarily a far away, unattainable place, but ours to co-create with God, here, now—to make “on earth as it is in heaven” a reality for all people. Enjoy this cover of Heaven by Gungor ft. Israel Houghton by our Mosaic & Open Modern Band.

Mosaic & Open (✨MOPEN✨) Band: Krystal Stroud (vocals), Lizzy Williams (vocals), David Huff (bass), Kelly Evans (keys), Clay Willis (guitar), Taylor Williams (acoustic), Brandon Morris (drums), Joe Perez (sax), Steve Severance (trumpet), Georgianne Travis (bari sax), and Justin Lemons (sound). Video team: Jim McKinney (producer), Mars Smietana (camera operator), Clay Thurmond (camera operator), & Norah Benton-Nielson (slide operator).


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