Letter from Lay Leadership

Dear Church Family,

My name is Chuck Rives, and I have the honor of serving as your Administrative Board Chair. Since joining our church in 2017, I have been deeply involved in various committees, from the missions committee to the affordable housing study team, and have had the joy of singing in our FUMC Chancel Choir. It has been a privilege to contribute to our vibrant church community, and I am grateful for the opportunity to share some important updates with you.
We want to follow up with on the progress made by your church lay leaders in recent weeks to address financial challenges we are facing. We also want to offer ways in which you can help as we navigate this significant change.
For several years, our budgets were not balanced, with expenses exceeding our giving revenue. We bridged this gap using reserve funds and the COVID relief grants that have now ended. Although our church has faithfully increased its generosity, it has not been enough to cover all expenses. Our lay leaders, in partnership with clergy and staff, have been diligently working on a plan to ensure our church's financial stability by the end of 2025, securing a sustainable future.
On April 3rd, our Finance Committee recommended a budget for 2024, which included a projection for 2025. On April 15th, the Administrative Board approved this budget, which included a $40,000 reduction in program funding for this year. Many ministry programs have restricted reserve funds available, allowing them to continue offering effective ministry as they have. The Staff Parish Relations Committee was allocated funding for staff that projects $332,000 in savings by the end of 2025. This includes dissolving some unoccupied positions and combining others. Trustees have also found creative ways to meet the needs of our church facilities while reducing spending. Additionally, Administration and other non-program areas have contributed by prioritizing only the most essential needs.
The reductions in spending in 2024 will take full effect on July 1 this year. As mentioned in recent SPRC updates, the Director of Administration & Operations position has been dissolved, with duties reassigned to other staff members. Also moving forward, the church will operate with a smaller custodial staff. It is important to note that SPRC ensured no staff member was let go; all personnel retained their current positions or were offered new roles with updated job descriptions. These decisions have significantly reduced costs and sought to right-size our staff. While challenges remain in supporting the ministries of the church with our reduced staff, we are confident that the laypeople of our church will stand in the gap.
One question that has been asked is, “What can I do to help?” In our membership vows, we promise to be involved in the ministries of FUMC Denton through our prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. One way to fulfill that promise is by making an additional gift towards this year’s budget. Some members have already increased their giving as we have worked towards a more balanced budget. Another way to help is by taking on tasks previously done by our staff. Some important upcoming needs are for volunteers to help with VBS and to serve on our hospitality team. We also need Sunday school teachers, youth program support, First Meal servers, ushers, music program participants, homebound visitors, and church office helpers. Serving in these ways will help us all grow in our faith as we become the “hands and feet of Christ.”
If you are ready to take on one or more of these opportunities, I invite you to visit fumcdenton.com/church. There, you will find an interest form and brief explanations of what opportunities exist within the church for you. If you have any questions, feel free to text, call, or email me. 
Know that you are needed, valued, and will be welcomed to more deeply connect with your church family as we live out our mission to Make Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World together!
With Gratitude, 
Chuck Rives, Chair of Administrative Board
In collaboration with:
Happy Carrico, Staff Parish-Relations Committee Chair
Jerry Clark, Finance Chair
Tim McGuire, Communication & Connection Taskforce Chair
Jeff Springer, Trustees Chair


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