End of Year Giving Thank You

FUMC Denton Family,

On behalf of our church family we want to wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We hope above all you and your family are remaining healthy and safe, and glimpsing some of the hope of the Christmas story: that God is with us, with light that shines in even the longest night, with hope, with life, and with love.

This year has been a year like no other—full of challenges and changes for us all. But through it all, God has been at work in profound ways. And you, even with all the changes, have continued to be the church, continuing to worship, serve, gather, and grow, and continuing to shine the light of God’s love in our world. Thank you for being the church, and for being a light of hope for us all.

Though the rhythm of our lives together changed this year, the call to be the church remained the same. And you answered that call with courage, creativity, resiliency—and a willingness to try new things! Whether it be working to create new vibrant online worship opportunities, learning to connect in online Sunday school classes and small groups, or just reaching to out each other in our church and community with love and hope, you have been the church and God has been at work!

Even in this season, we’ve welcomed new members, baptized new babies, and seen lives take new steps of faith in the way of Christ—and we have learned just how much this church family means to us all.

For those who are unable to connect or are most isolated in this time, this church has wrapped their arms of love around them. Each week, volunteers call 150 congregation members to check-in, share love, and be a church family together. It has been an immeasurable good for everyone involved. And that is just one of many ways you have been the church.

You have cared for hospital workers, written notes and letters to the homebound, helped those experiencing housing and food insecurity, supported partner churches around the globe, hosted blood drives, cared for those experiencing loss and health issues, and more. In these and many more ways, you have been a light to this city.

As we end this year, along with all the staff and clergy of our church family, I want to personally that you for your prayers, your support, and your generous, faithful giving that has enabled the ministry of this church to continue in such profound ways. The light of hope this church shines is possible because of you and God working through you. Thank you for being the church.

CARES Act and End-of-Year Giving

As we look toward the year to come, if you are able, we ask you to consider making an end-of-year gift to our church to ensure the ministries of this church continue strong into the new year. This year, through the CARES Act, there are unique, one-time incentives to make a tax-deductible contribution at the end of 2020. For more information about these opportunities, take a moment to review this PDF. All gifts may be submitted by visiting fumcdenton.com/give or mailed to our church offices by the end of the year.

Also, if you have not yet submitted an Estimate of Giving to help in planning our 2021 budget, you may do so by visiting fumcdenton.com/goodness.

No matter the amount or frequency of your giving, know that your support makes a profound difference in the ministry of this church. But even more, getting to be a part of this ministry through giving makes a profound, joyous difference in each of our lives as we grow together as disciples of the way of Jesus. We are deeply excited about the ministry of our church in 2021, and we look forward to walking in faith together on the journey with you.

Challenges have a way of refining us, clarifying our hope, and reminding us who we are. This year, the work of God, the strength and togetherness of the community, and your hope and faith and generosity to continue to serve and give and love have reminded us who we are. We are a church that shines God’s love, in every life, in every circumstance, in every season. By God’s grace, we are a church with a strong past, a vibrant present, and a future that shines bright. Thank you for making that future possible. It is a privilege and honor to serve Christ and be the church with you.

In faith and hope and love always,

Rev. Jonathan Perry
Executive Pastor of Strategic Leadership


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