Update to Church Office Hours

Dear Church Family,

I hope you are doing well and finding connection in our FUMC Denton community as we settle into a new school year. It has truly been an exciting couple of months in our church as we have welcomed new leadership, shared our hopes and dreams in listening sessions, and celebrated God’s love and faithfulness in worship and in community. What a joy to be the church with you! 

The last few months have also been a challenge as we’ve settled into a new, smaller staff structure. In May, I shared our Staff-Parish Relations Committee's (SPRC) plan to reduce staff this Summer, stemming from our church’s financial reality that we addressed in the Spring. Seasons like this are never easy, and I'm proud of how our church has surrounded the church staff with love, support, and many volunteers to help us navigate this season. Our staff is so thankful for you.  

Even with increased volunteer support, the staff reduction has resulted in significant challenges. Our SPRC will continue to identify and implement solutions for our staff, so that we can be successful in our shared ministry even in a challenging season. 

After careful consideration, we have decided to adjust our church’s office hours to streamline our operations and help manage the staff’s time more efficiently. To that end, please note the following:  

  • New Hours: Starting in October, the church office will be closed to walk-in visitors on Thursdays from 12 pm to 4 pm.  

  • Walk-In vs Appointment: During regular office hours, we ask that you schedule an appointment with staff before visiting the church to help maximize their time throughout the week.  

To be clear: The church office will remain open to walk-ins during our regular office hours (Monday - Wednesday, 9 am - 4 pm, and Thursday, 9 am - 12 pm).  

During the regular office hours, if the staff member you wish to see isn’t available, a receptionist will take a message, and you will be contacted about their availability to make an appointment. Rest assured that FUMC Denton’s commitment to serving and supporting our congregation remains unwavering, and these changes will empower our staff to help us achieve our shared mission, vision, and values in the community and beyond. 

Your support, understanding, and cooperation are vital to this process, and we are grateful for your continued commitment to FUMC’s mission. Together, we will navigate this season of challenges and excitement, knowing that God is leading us to a future filled with hope. 

Warm regards, 

Happy Carrico, PhD 
FUMC Denton 
SPRC Chair 


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