COVID-19 Update: Plans for Easter & The Road Ahead

March 4, 2021

Dear Church Family, 

This week, we learned about Governor Abbott’s declaration regarding Texas’ response to public health recommendations and guidance. Given this development, we wanted to share briefly about our plans for the road ahead and our continued commitment to our shared responsibility to keep our community safe, to love our neighbor, and to do no harm through the duration of this public health crisis. You can also read Bishop McKee's response here.

We miss being with you, so we are excited about where we are headed and for current and upcoming opportunities to gather safely in-person and online. We are also committed to journeying together in a way that allows us to continue to follow Jesus’ great commandment to all Christians, simply: “Love your neighbor,” and to honor the first rule of life for Methodist communities: “Do no harm.” For us, given the continuing realities in our community and healthcare system as well as the wisdom expressed by our congregation, this continues to mean following recommendations to wear masks and to avoid large indoor gatherings for the sake of our neighbor and ourselves. Within those guidelines, there is much we can do and are doing to continue to gather and thrive as a church family and as a light of God’s love. 

So, here is the exciting news: On Easter Sunday — just one month from now — in addition to online and television offerings, we will be gathering in-person, outdoors on the East Lawn for a celebration of our church and community and the new life we have in Jesus. We can’t think of a better way to gather than in celebration of God’s love and life that prevails no matter the obstacle! 

In the weeks after Easter, you’ll be hearing more about a phased plan for in-person worship during the summer, leading to an eventual time by August when all can gather safely and fully in-person or online. Along the way, we are also working on exciting new plans and projects to help us come back even better, to serve our community even more, and to be the best place we can be for you and your family and friends to grow, connect, and belong. 

In the meantime, if you are looking for an in-person opportunity to gather, currently on Sundays in addition to our online worship offerings, we offer an in-person worship gathering at 8:30 am in the Sanctuary, with masks and distancing. These services have been meaningful to those who have attended. You can register to attend here.

We are so proud of the ways you are continuing to be the church. And we are proud of the ways you have stayed connected with each other through relationships, small groups, online worship, and opportunities for safe, in-person gatherings. We know church has been different — but you have continued to be the church, and it has made a profound difference. Thank you. We are grateful for you, and we are so excited about what lies ahead together. 

One of the greatest joys in recent months has been seeing many of you begin to get vaccinated. We are so grateful to see you safe, healthy, and protected. And, even more, we are so encouraged to think that in a time to come, the vulnerability of COVID-19 will pass, and there will be a new day dawning for us all — for our families, our church, our community, and even for our world. We look in hope to that day. We can’t wait to throw the doors open wide — and our arms open wider! 

We thank you for your support of this church, your love for your neighbor, and for the way you continue to stay connected and committed to our call to shine the light of God’s love in all the places we are. 

In the love of God, the grace of Christ, and the community of the Holy Spirit, 
The Staff and Clergy of FUMC Denton


Easter Update


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