Celebrating Sueann Albert’s Retirement

Dear Church Family,

Sueann Albert has announced her retirement to be a full-time grandparent. She has been a vital part of our church staff for 12 faithful years serving on our staff as the Office Coordinator, a volunteer in our TV Ministry, and the first welcoming face many experience during the week. We thank her for her tenure at our church and join her in celebrating her job well done! Sueann’s last day on staff at FUMC Denton will be Tuesday, March 21. She will continue to serve our church by volunteering faithfully in our sanctuary TV ministry.

Though Sueann's shoes will be impossible to fill, staff leadership and our Staff-Parish Relations Committee (SPRC)  will be working to ensure excellent future for administration and office coordination at our church.

We are deeply grateful for Sueann’s selfless service these many years. If you would like to express your gratitude and congratulations, you can email Sueann at salbert@fumc-denton.com, or make a contribution to our church’s TV and Livestream ministry in Sueann’s honor. 


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