Throughout April, we will collect items to benefit the Student Needs Room at Strickland Middle School in Denton, which is operated by Leah Cook, the school's nurse. They give away hundreds of pounds of clothing, hygiene products, and food every month to fill otherwise unmet needs for their students.
The most needed items are clothing and hygiene products. Because specific sizes are needed for middle schoolers, we have created an Amazon Wishlist of specific items, to be sent to the church and then brought to the school at the end of the month—in addition to folks being able to bring things in on their own, as normal. This way, it'll take the guesswork our for folks who don't know what sizes to get for middle school kids.
An item list is below. Click here to shop the Amazon Wishlist link.
Underwear: both genders, especially adult small and mediums
Feminine Hygiene Products: regular or medium pads and tampons
Leggings: small, medium and large
Sweatpants: S, M, L
Basketball Shorts: S, M, L
Deodorant: any brand
Food Items:
Mac & cheese
Pop tarts
Individual packets of cheesits
Individual packets of goldfish
Green beans
Please bring your donations with you to worship on Sundays. Donations can also be brought to church to the Ivy Garden entrance of the church on Locust Street during the week, Monday-Thursday, from 9-4 pm.
Checks can be made out to the church with the Memo Line: April Mission Corner. You can also give online at and select “General Missions” in the drop-down menu and write “April Mission Corner” in the memo line.