The Missions Team is excited to support the Care Closets at Strickland and Bettye Myers Middle Schools with our August Mission Corner.
Care closets are stocked with essential personal care and hygiene items in addition to a few food items that some students and families may struggle to afford or maintain access to based on their finances or living situations. When students feel good about themselves, they are more confident and able to achieve academic success.
Personal Care items
Shampoo/Conditioner/Body Wash
Deodorant-male and female
Hair ties
Menstrual care products
Women’s black legging S,M,L
Men’s pull-on sweatpants S,M,L,XL
Ladies underwear SM,L
Men’s Underwear S,M,L
Food items
Single serve Mac and Cheese
Pop tarts
Snack size Cheezits and Goldfish
Thank you for your generous support of our Mission Corner. You may drop your donations by the collection box in the entryway off the Ivey Garden on Sunday mornings or during church office hours, Monday-Thursday, 9-4.
We have also created an Amazon Wish list if you prefer to give that way. Items will be shipped to the church and divided between the two schools.