We are collecting school supplies for Rivera Elementary School and Myers Middle School. The following is a list of items needed by teachers and students.
Needed Items:
Dry erase markers
Snacks for students
Composition notebooks
Pencil pouches
Clorox Wipes
Back packs for middle school and high school - solid colors only
#2 Pencils (Ticonderoga are best)
Please bring your donations with you to worship on Sundays. Donations can also be brought to church to the Ivy Garden entrance of the church on Locust Street during the week, Monday-Thursday, from 9-4 pm.
Checks can be made out to the church with the Memo Line: July or August Mission Corner. You can also give online at fumcdenton.com/give and select “General Missions” in the drop-down menu and write “July/August Mission Corner” in the memo line.