Led by Rev. David Finley | Feb. 20-Mar. 13 | Room 108 | Sunday mornings at 10 am
In the 6th and 7th grade, our kids begin a year-long journey through the Bible. They learn about what Methodists do and why we do it that way. Would you like to get an advance look at what we cover in Confirmation? Won't have kids in confirmation, but want to know more about United Methodism? Maybe you weren’t raised United Methodist and would like to learn more about why we're like this? Pastor David Finley will lead a four-week study previewing what the students will cover next year. You’ll learn things like: why we don’t do baptism like Baptists, why we don’t do communion like Roman Catholics, why we don’t do grace like Presbyterians, and why our bishops are not like any other church’s bishops. Bring your own questions, David will be happy to answer them, too.