Welcome to the Open Book Club! We're a group of people from Open Worship and First United Methodist Church of Denton who cares deeply about people, justice, and seek to find truth in literature. We are currently studying African American Literature with our co-facilitators, Pamela Sanders and Krystal Stroud. You don't need any qualifications to be part of this group, just an open mind and a love of stories. We meet every other week to discuss what we've read and how it's impacted us. May we be transformed by these stories together!
Join us on Monday, October 19 at 8pm for our final gathering discussing “The Wedding" by Dorothy West. This week, we'll be discussing pages 152-240 of The Wedding—the end of the book!
Amazon/Kindle Link: https://www.amazon.com/Wedding-Novel-Dorothy-West/dp/0385471440
Join our Facebook Group for more information: https://www.facebook.com/groups/227985795315190 or reach out to Krystal Stroud at kstroud@fumc-denton.com to join us on Zoom.