Engage in a positive pursuit to cheer your spirit! Find inspiration and education at Perkins Summit for Faith and Learning (PSFL). Featuring an exciting lineup of Perkins faculty and an alumnus teaching on a variety of topics, this virtual event promises something to pique all interests. Half-day and full-day class options will fit your budget and your busy schedule. Experience a day–or two–at seminary. PSFL courses are open to everyone!
To register or find more information, including course descriptions and instructor bios, please visit smu.edu/Perkins/Summit. Online registration will be available through March 10.
A discount of $25 is available to first-time attendees with a registration fee totaling $50 or more. Enter the code New25 during checkout. A limited number of partial, need-based scholarships for day-long courses are available. Call 214-768-3664 for more information.