Start With Why: Why Serve Others?
This Sunday will be a time of prayer, song, spoken word, and also, celebration, sharing food and engaging in mission as we gather for worship and our Mardi Gras Meal/Faith in Action event. During worship, we’ll be wrapping up our Start with Why Worship series with “Why Serve Others?” I’ve heard the church described as a social community, a place of caring connection. Others have described the church as a hospital for healing, a place belonging for the stranger. At some level, this is true. But these metaphors fail to keep the main thing, the main thing (to quote Stephen Covey). A better metaphor is a mission station that trains up and sends out workers to bridge the love of God in Jesus Christ with the needs of the world. Ultimately, this is “why” of the church or to quote our mission statement, “to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.” Engaging the world around us with God’s love in life-giving, transformative ways is why we exist as FUMC Denton, God’s heart right here at the heart of Denton County.