Start With Why: Why Discipleship?
This week, as we continue our series “Start With Why”, we are asking the question: “Why Discipleship?” You may have heard that word, “Discipleship”, around church before about a program or a class, but the word is so much bigger than just a church course offering. Jesus called his followers, “Disciples”, which meant “students”. These were people who realized that didn’t know it all and were seeking to learn the way of Jesus as students, walking with him, listening to his teachings, unpacking their experiences with others around the camp fire and on walks through the countryside. They were disciples, following Jesus in community together, and learning how to love God and each other better. Discipleship is a journey we embark on as Jesus followers, seeking to learn as students how to love and live according to our call. As Methodists, discipleship is at the core of our identity and history as we sought to grow in love and actually put into practice what we were learning. One of the primary methods from the early days of John Wesley were “bands” and “classes”, where small groups would come together to reflect on life, study in community, and share and support one another’s soul well-being. These were powerful places of discipleship. We look forward to continuing this journey together with you!