Start With Why: Why Worship?
Last week, we started the year together by asking the poignant question: “why church?” Starting not with “How?” or “What?” but instead starting with “Why?” is a valuable way to open our lives to the purpose God has for each of us and for all of us together.
This week, we continue our series by asking “Why worship?” Why do we gather each week to turn our mind’s attention and heart’s affection toward the God of love? And why is it important to do that together as a community? We will explore that question in each worship service. In observance of Martin Luther King’s birthday and the United Methodist Church’s Human Relations Sunday, we will also reflect on how our worship together can be part of work for justice and peace and equip us for that work in our own lives. You don’t want to miss it!
As you know, it takes a lot to pull off worship each week. In addition to professional worship staff, there are teams of volunteers who give of themselves to make worship meaningful and worshippers equipped and welcomed. Ushers, liturgists, tech team, lay readers and writers, children’s time leaders, chancel choir and worship ensembles, and many, many more faithfully offer their time and their heart to help worship at FUMC Denton be excellent and a central part of our faith life together. If you see one of these volunteers, express your appreciation to them for their dedication.
On Sunday, in addition to talking about worship, you’ll have the opportunity to volunteer to help in some of these worship leadership positions. It takes a whole church to provide worship. But when the community comes together, singing, studying, confession, celebrating, there is nothing else in life that compares to it!