Reunion: Meeting Jesus Amidst the Everyday

I love a family reunion. When connecting with people you share history and story with amidst potato salad and cookouts, usually you begin to notice some common traits that unite you, even across multiple generations. It is the same way when we gather together as a church family. Even in our diversity, we begin to notice a shared story and character that unites us across generations. Those uniting characteristics are simple: we are loved by God and invited to follow the way of Jesus in love of God and neighbor as we love ourselves. Our common love in the way of Jesus, unites us and knits us together in community as the body of Christ. Coming together as a church is a family reunion every week, and it is also a reunion with the Jesus who unites us all. We meet Jesus together and in each other as we serve together and serve each other, as we worship together, as we learn together, laugh together, or lament together; we meet Jesus around the classroom table, the potluck table, and around the communion table. It is a reunion with Jesus and each other every time two or more are gathered in the love of Christ. This week in worship we share the communion table and we share this important story as we look to the Emmaus Road. There, two Jesus followers had a reunion together with each other and with Jesus as they broke bread around the table. Join us as we explore meeting Jesus again together with each other and in each other.


Reunion: Meeting Jesus Who Welcomes Us Fully


Reunion: Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time