Pentecost Sunday

Pentecost is often celebrated as the birthday of the church. It was a remarkable day in the history of the church. People gathered together. Peter preached. They were so excited people thought they were drunk, 3000 people converted to the new Christian faith that day! Wow! Long before that first Christian observance, Pentecost was a Jewish festival celebrating the gift of the ten commandments and the guiding presence of God throughout Israel’s history. Those newly converted Christians were joining in a celebration of God’s mighty acts that predated that moment even as they experienced God doing a new thing in their midst. In many ways, we celebrate do something similar every time we gather for worship. In worship, we acknowledge God’s presence and faithfulness throughout all the ages, and we join our voices together in expectation that God is still at work in OUR midst. In worship, we celebrate the movement of the Spirit and look for the ways in which God is calling us to be a part of that future. Pentecost doesn’t just happen one Sunday a year. It is something happening every single day.


Trinity Sunday


Ascension Sunday