Origin Stories: A Rhythm of Grace

This Sunday, as we continue the Origin Stories worship series, we will encounter what some see as humankind’s failure to live up to God’s expectation. And that’s certainly one way to interpret Genesis 3 (vss. 8-15). But what if “The Fall” as some refer to it, is really a story about how God’s love is exactly what a wandering and imperfect humanity most greatly needs? What if we viewed Genesis 3 as a story about God’s grace, a prequel to the story of a wandering and imperfect Israel and the God who comes to its rescue? And what if this story also serves as a prequel to our own stories, where God shows up to be present with us in our wandering and need? There is a rhythm to God’s grace, almost as if our human nature and God’s redeeming grace are made for one another.

*We had trouble with our live-streaming this week and the videos are broken into two parts. We apologize for any inconvenience.*


Origin Stories: A Promise for All


Origin Stories: God of the Dirt