Being Love: How Do We Love God?

Jesus’s miracle stories follow a pattern. People bring a problem to Jesus and Jesus fixes it. Except for the one about feeding the 5000. Jesus looks out on the crowd, looks at his disciples, and says, “You give them something to eat.” They aren’t sure what they have to offer; five loaves and two fish don’t seem to be anywhere near enough. But they bring it to Jesus anyway and discover that working with Jesus multiplies your work. Most of us know this story well, where Jesus and the disciples turn scarcity into plenty, discovering what they thought was not enough is more than enough. You could say Jesus is full of surprises, but it seems like we spend more time being surprised at how we can do things we didn’t imagine were possible.

As we continue in our series on being the church where we are, we want to practice what we preach. We’ll learn about a way we as a congregation can make a difference with our food-insecure neighbors, multiply our efforts, and quite possibly exceed our expectations.


Being Love: What’s God Like? (Palm Sunday)


Being Love: Multiplication