Good News for Those Frightening Steps

When there is ice on the road and sidewalks, we need to be very careful in our steps—proceed slowly and deliberately, or maybe don’t even go out at all. There are times in our lives when we need to exercise this same caution. But there also times that God invites us to take a step that seems bold and risky, and might not even make sense in our human calculations. Perhaps it is a new step, an act of selfless love, or a generous opening of our hands. But what ever the step, when we open our hands and trust God, there is the opportunity to experience the good news alive in our real life and in our real steps in ways we never imagined. That was the choice Peter and the other disciples faced when Jesus invited them to follow the Way. It made little financial or future sense from the perspective of a fisherman. It was a bold and risky step! But what they experienced was far beyond anything they ever hoped or imagined—truly good news. And they found a deeper, more purposeful life—a life about more than fish alone. Jesus invites us to follow the Way in our lives and communities. Sometimes the invitation can seem bold or uncertain. But when we trust, God takes full responsibility for the outcome—and leads us to something more than mere fish.


Good News for Our Relationships


Good News of Liberation