
Devotional Laura Byrd Devotional Laura Byrd

When God Provides

Sometimes we think that maybe its a matter of faith. That if we just believed more...God will provide, but I don't know God to be that way. I know God to provide in the most unexpected of ways. Not everyone has a nice and beautiful story about when God has provided in an emergency, but I continue to hold onto the fact that if we are vulnerable and real with the Spirit, God sees our need. You may be someone else's miracle during a season of scarcity, for God provides through the hands and hearts of those who choose to live in love.

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Meditation, Devotional, Music Don Lee Meditation, Devotional, Music Don Lee

God is So Good

God’s goodness doesn’t protect us from bad things—we can see that in all of the stories in the Bible. Faith doesn’t protect us from harm, but it does give us hope, direction, and good things. While life can be hard, God goes with us in the hard times. Join Pastor Don for today’s devotional.

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Devotional Laura Byrd Devotional Laura Byrd

A Word on Self Love

We’ve probably all heard the scripture that references Jesus’s command to “Love your neighbor as yourself.” We accept and try to live out the “neighbor” part of that, but what about loving yourself? Join Laura Byrd in this devotional on self love.

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