When Churches Are Closed

Join Pastor Jonathan Perry for today's daily devotion, March 31, 2020

Poem written by Rev. Raymond H. Huse, “When Churches Are Closed,” in October 1918 during the Spanish Flu.

If Christian folk must always pray
Within four walls of stone,
How sad 'twould be to close the church
And leave the town alone!

But Christian folk may also pray
Beneath October skies,
Whose veil of blue can scarce conceal
The hills of paradise!

And in the quiet spots of home,
With those we dearly love,
With emboldened spirits may we seek
The grace of God above.

And most of all within the heart,
Far hid from sound or sight,
The human temple's inner shrine,
Where glows the inner light,

Undimmed "when all the hosts
Of ill are most abroad,"
There, with no intervening priest,
We all may speak with God.

So let us keep our gladsome trust
This churchless day of prayer,
And prove again the ancient truth
That God is everywhere.


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