A Word on Righteousness & Justice
Join us for today's devotion as Pastor Jonathan considers the words "righteousness and justice" and our sacred call to live them out in our world. What will we choose to do in this time?
Finding Our Next Steps
Join author Demi Prentiss and Pastor Jonathan Perry for a conversation about how understanding our vocation can help us find our next steps in these uncertain times.
Spreading Hope in Uncertain Times
We find ourselves in the midst of an uncertain season, but these very times can be some of the most formative, courageous, soul-growing seasons! How have you seen hope in this time?
A Prayer for This Season
Join Pastor Jonathan for today’s daily devotion featuring a prayer by Rev. Nadia Bolz-Weber.
Everything All at Once
Holy Week is, just like now, every feeling all at once. Deep lament and joyous celebration all mixed in together. And we know that God is with us in everything, even all at once. Pastor Jonathan and Hannah Phillips offer us this devotion!