Making friends at Mean Green Fling!
Last night at UNT’s Mean Green Fling, the energy was high despite the sweltering heat. As part of First Flight Week, this event was a chance for local businesses and organizations to connect with incoming freshmen, and our church made a vibrant impression. We set up our table right across from our sibling community, the Denton Wesley Foundation, the Methodist college ministry on campus.
Our rainbow tablecloth, printed with the words "God's Love Is Here For You and So Are We" in the same style as our pride t-shirts, caught the attention of many students who learned about affirming churches for the very first time! We saw groups of friends pulling each other over to check out our table, intrigued by the welcoming message. It was heartwarming to see so many students eager to learn more, with several signing up for more information about our church.
The heat was intense, but Rev. Marianne Brown-Trigg, Campus Pastor at the Denton Wesley and best friend of FUMC Denton, came to the rescue by lending us a misting fan. This little addition turned our table into a hotspot, both literally and figuratively! A man passing by even stopped to share some kind words, noting that our church stands out in the community for the good work we do.
Overall, it was a great evening full of connection, support, and a whole lot of cute moments between our table and the Wesley’s. Mean Green Fling was a success, and we’re excited to see the impact of God’s love as the semester begins!