Leading Worship in an Empty Room

Written by Krystal Stroud of the Open Worship Community

Sunday was the very first time many of us have ever done online-only church!

I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t weird. Walking up the steps to the stage, surrounded only by our worship team, I was totally nervous. What is even happening? How do we know if folks are tuned in? Those empty seats were staring me down. 

I suppose this was a moment of faith. Jumping into the unknown, showing up as your full self, and choosing to live into your calling—even if it feels like no one else is with you. 

During worship, I really started to feel the presence of our community. Even though the seats were empty, I felt the space begin to fill with the love of God and I knew that our congregation was present. There was something so magical about realizing that from all over our city, throughout our state, and even across our nation—the people of God were gathered together, present, all focused on the same moment. There were folks tuning in from the comfort of their most sacred spaces. 

After worship, I logged on—and I was overwhelmed by how many people were gathered, talking to one another, and sharing their amens. Somehow, despite all of my doubts and reservations—the sacred gathering of church still happened. As much as I love to gather with our community, church is so much more than that one beautiful hour on Sunday mornings. Church is all of you—wherever you are, at any time, in any place. When you choose to show up, to be present, to notice your self, your neighbors, and the love of God that is always with you—church happens and God’s love shines. 

You’re invited to worship with any of our communities online this coming Sunday!


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