A Prayer for a Divided World

We are constantly reminded that we live in world where people disagree over a variety of topics. Media and popular culture bring issues to the forefront and passionate discussions often unfold. In addition, social media puts an audience and a "publish" button right at our fingertips. It's easy to follow impulse and anger and "say" things without stopping to consider the weight of our words. This short prayer meditation reminds us that we are made in God's image and the world will know we are Christians by our love and our words.

A Prayer for Civility in a Divisive World

Everywhere we turn these days we see and hear the reminders of a world divided on so many issues.

Social media is full of heated debates and angry words.

God, Help us remember that we are made in Your image.

Guide our words towards civility and wisdom in discourse and discussion.

Teach us as people of faith, to model love for our neighbors in all conversations, whether public or private.

You have called us to be salt and light to our nation and to the world.

Empower us to be peacemakers with our words.


This video was produced by United Methodist Communications.
Contact is
Joe Iovino. View more at umc.org/videos.


β€œWhat the World Needs Now” with Mosaic Band


FUMC Denton featured in Denton County Magazine