Open Advent Wreath Liturgy: Week 3 (Joy)

Over the last two Sundays of Advent, we have lit the candle of Hope and the candle of Peace that God renews in us. Today we light the third candle of advent—the candle of Joy. May this light remind us of the joy that is always available to us. 

+ O Come let us adore You who have inspired a joyous song sung by the angels, the mountains, and the shepherds alike. Come and cheer our spirits—disperse the gloomy clouds of night and the shadows that surround us. 

+ O Come let us adore You who are always with us. No person, no circumstance, no job, no policy, no pandemic, no choice that we make, no word said against us—nothing disqualifies us to experience the joy that you complete in us. Though this world may cause hurt, our sorrow will turn to joy, for you are the joy of every longing heart. 

+ O Come let us adore You who were born to set us free. From our fears and hurts, release us and in your image, the joy of every longing heart, may we be a people of joy—sharing it with everyone we see, blessing all with the hope, peace, and joy that we have found together. 

*Light the Joy Candle*

God of Joy, may this spark in us a joy that sustains us. May we be inspired by the joy this season can bring and may it set us free from pain and isolation and carry us through. Help us to not overlook the simple joys that sneak into our lives every day. Amen.


Merry Christmas from the FUMC Denton Staff!


O Lil Town of Bethlehem | arr. Byrd with Mosaic Band