FUMC Denton Becomes ODIM Ambassador for July 2024

We are excited to announce that FUMC Denton has been named the ODIM Ambassador for July 2024. This recognition comes as the FUMC Denton Mission Team has generously donated $7,500 to support the two medical clinics run by ODIM Guatemala throughout the month of July.

For those who want to learn more about ODIM and its impactful work, information is available on their website at www.odimguatemala.org. The 2023 annual report, detailing their accomplishments and ongoing projects, can be found under the "impact" section.

Many in our community may remember their contributions to ODIM's efforts. Some helped build the clinic in San Pablo la Laguna back in 2012 and 2013, while others with medical skills have worked in the clinics during their formative stages.

The $7,500 donation from FUMC Denton has earned us the title of "ODIM July Ambassador," making us the first church to qualify for this honor. Originally developed for businesses, the ambassadorship program is now being adapted to recognize churches, thanks to our participation. ODIM is thrilled with this development and looks forward to welcoming more churches into the program.

July is a busy month for FUMC Denton, marked by the arrival of our new pastors. We encourage everyone to spread the word about our ODIM Ambassadorship. If you're active on social media, please visit the ODIM Guatemala website and share their message of thanks.

With gratitude for our connections,

Mary Harris


VBS Camp Firelight


June Mission Corner Results: Keeping Denton Hydrated!