FUMC Denton at North Texas Overdose Awareness Day

Donna, Raegan, & Brandy welcoming people at our FUMC Denton Table!

On Saturday, August 31st, our church participated in the North Texas Overdose Awareness Event. This incredible organization is a ministry to so many as it brings awareness, resources, hope, and comfort to those who have been impacted by the opioid crisis. The Roland family, members here at FUMC Denton, started this organization after the loss of their own son in 2016.  

Sharon Roland

It was a gift to have church members tell attendees about our church and what we're about. It is amazing that so many don't know churches like FUMC Denton exist. To the right of our table, we had people from our congregation registering people to vote, the sounds of our modern band played in the background, and greetings of new friends and old friends came together. We also saw some friends from First Meal and were able to greet them by name and offer them hugs. 

It was a night of great hope and comfort for so many through the stories and resources shared. We pray that night gave the courage and hope to those who need to make a change or to those that need to have a tough conversation with someone they love. We pray that our congregation will be a place of no shame or judgment, but be a place that gives grace, comfort, and help. 

Deb & FUMC friends visiting with Cynthia and registering people to vote. 

Rau and Cynthia attending NTXIOAD

Krystal & Lizzy taking a selfie before the event started.


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