Prayers for Peace, Justice, and Wisdom

Church Family, as we all watch what is happening at the Capitol today, we want to offer prayers of peace and justice and wisdom for today and what’s to come. For those who are in danger, we offer prayers for safety. For those putting others in danger, we offer prayers for peace and conviction and justice. For those who are hurt, we offer prayers for healing. For those who are doing everything they can to protect others, we pray for protection and wisdom. For those who share the news, we pray prayers for wisdom, truth, and discernment. We remind you that you are loved, that God is with all of us, and that as divided as we may seem, we are all children of God.

God of ages, in your sight nations rise and fall, and pass through times of peril. Now as our land contemplates the future following this election, be near to judge and to save. May leaders of both parties and all political persuasions be led by your wisdom; may they seek the good of all people and see it clearly. If we have turned from your way, help us to reverse our ways and repent. Give us your light and your truth to guide us; through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of this world. Amen.

Beloved people of God—whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, anything that is excelled and worthy of praise—keep on doing these things, and the God of peace will be with you. Amen.


Love Provides A Way Forward


“River” with the Mosaic Band