UMW News October 27, 2021

Several years ago, I was looking for a church home, and was invited to visit FUMC Denton by a good friend. I visited on a Sunday, and I really enjoyed worship. During that service, they announced that there would be a gift fair that they put on that benefited non-profits within a couple of weeks, so I thought that could be interesting--I do enjoy a good craft show/gift fair from time to time. Well, that fair turned out to be Alternative Gifts Fair, and friends, it sealed the deal for me. I thought that any church that really cared about its neighbors and lived out its faith by raising money for local, national, and international nonprofits that make a real difference in the lives of people was the church for me! Little did I know that I would soon find an organization within this church that leads the way in supporting missions as well as seeking justice and fairness for all of our siblings at home and throughout the world. And next weekend, UMW will again join with Alternative Gifts Fair to make a difference by selling our made-with-love casseroles and other items.

I want to encourage you to attend Alternative Gifts Fair November 5-7, and to ask you to help at our booth raising money for mission giving. All you have to do is greet people, check names off of a list, fill out a form, and retrieve casseroles. Easy peasy! Please help out by signing up here. Masks will be worn, and it's a great way to see friends, meet new people, and welcome new women into UMW. We look forward to seeing you there:) —Julie T.


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